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输入 xz=InputBox("1.我要回答;2.歌曲搜索;3,新闻搜索;" & Chr(13) & "4.网页搜索;5.贴吧搜索;6.知道搜索;" & Chr(13) & "7.图片搜索;8.视频搜索;9;百科搜索;","百度小助手 [Null_vbt]","") If Len(xz)=0 Then MsgBox "没有选择,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else Select Case xz Case 1 x=Urlcode(InputBox("请输入要回答的问题","百度我要回答","")) If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else strurl="http://zhidao.baidu.com/q?word=" & x & "&ct=17&pn=0&tn=ikaslist&rn=10&lm=65536&fr=answersearch_0" End if Case 2 x=Urlcode(InputBox("请输入要搜索的歌曲名","百度歌曲搜索","")) If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit Else strurl="http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=" & x & "&lm=-1" End if Case 3 x=Urlcode(InputBox("请输入要搜索的新闻标题","百度新闻搜索","")) If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else strurl="http://news.baidu.com/ns?cl=2&rn=20&tn=news&word=" & x & "&t=1" End if Case 4 x=Urlcode(InputBox("请输入要搜索的内容","百度网页搜索","")) If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else strurl="http://www.baidu.com/s?cl=3&wd=" & x End if Case 5 x=Urlcode(InputBox("请输入要搜索的贴子标题","百度贴吧搜索","")) If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else strurl="http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=" & x End if Case 6 x=InputBox("请输入要搜索的知道标题","百度知道搜索","") If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else strurl="http://zhidao.baidu.com/q?ct=17&pn=0&tn=ikaslist&rn=10&word=" & x End if Case 7 x=Urlcode(InputBox("请输入要搜索的图片标题","百度图片搜索","")) If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else strurl="http://image.baidu.com/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&lm=-1&cl=2&word=" & x & "&t=3" End if Case 8 x=Urlcode(InputBox("请输入要搜索的视频标题","百度视频搜索","")) If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else strurl="http://video.baidu.com/v?ct=301989888&rn=20&pn=0&db=0&s=7&word=" & x End if Case 9 x=Urlcode(InputBox("请输入要搜索的百科标题","百度百科搜索","")) If Len(x)=0 Then MsgBox "没有检测到内容,脚本退出!",64,"错误" WScript.Quit else strurl="http://baike.baidu.com/w?ct=17&lm=0&tn=baiduWikiSearch&pn=0&rn=10&word=" & x End if End Select End if Set objIe = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objie.visible=true objIe.Navigate strUrl function Urlcode(InpStr) Dim InpAsc,I For I = 1 To Len(InpStr) InpAsc = Asc(Mid(InpStr, I, 1)) If ((InpAsc < 58) And (InpAsc > 47)) Or ((InpAsc < 91) And (InpAsc > 64)) Or ((InpAsc < 123) And (InpAsc > 96)) Then Urlcode = Urlcode & Chr(InpAsc) Else Urlcode = Urlcode & "%" & mid(Trim(Hex(InpAsc)),1,2) & "%" & mid(Trim(Hex(InpAsc)),3,2) End If Next end Function
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